One Thing to Help End Domestic Violence

This week marked the beginning of October, and in addition to all of the great fall fun that the month will be sure to bring across Wisconsin, it is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a very important time for the whole Marsy's Law team. As we travel the state meeting residents from all over Wisconsin and speaking with crime victims about their experiences, we all too often hear tragic stories of domestic violence and how it fundamentally reshapes the lives of those it touches.

This week marked the beginning of October, and in addition to all of the great fall fun that the month will be sure to bring across Wisconsin, it is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a very important time for the whole Marsy's Law team. As we travel the state meeting residents from all over Wisconsin and speaking with crime victims about their experiences, we all too often hear tragic stories of domestic violence and how it fundamentally reshapes the lives of those it touches.

This year the Domestic Violence Awareness Project developed a unified message for October around the #1Thing campaign. The idea is this: change can start with only one thing. While one person’s actions may seem insignificant, together a communities' collective “one thing”s can lead to real social transformation. We know this all too well at Marsy's Law for Wisconsin. Each time one survivor is brave enough to share their story, we see the impact that story has on countless others. Each act of support from one of Wisconsin's fantastic advocates can help turn a victim into a survivor.

We want to encourage everyone this Domestic Violence Awareness Month to think about your one thing. Will it be telling your story? Lending support to a friend or loved one going through a difficult time? Perhaps it will be supporting one of our state's incredible victim advocacy organizations.

Your one thing doesn't have to be big: even small things when added up can amount to real change. We see it in action every day.

