Victims’ rights are no exception, which is one of the reasons we’re so excited to be pushing for equal rights for survivors of crime.
Wisconsin’s proud history on victims’ rights hit a key milestone in 1980 when our state became the first to adopt a Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights. Then in 1993, Wisconsin established some of the strongest victims’ rights in the country by passing a state constitutional amendment.
A significant amount has changed since 1993, including the need for updated protections for crime victims. There is no better state to lead the country in this effort than Wisconsin.
That’s where Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin and the update to our state Constitution we are fighting to enact come into play. Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin worked with lawmakers to unveil legislation in April. This bipartisan legislation would ensure equal rights for Wisconsin crime victims.
Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin worked with Wisconsinites – victims, victim advocates, the Attorney General and his Office of Crime Victim Services, legislators, law enforcement, legal experts and others – to draft a unique Wisconsin solution based on how we can update our Constitution and improve our already strong victims’ rights laws.
Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin would update Wisconsin’s Constitution in two ways. First, it would build upon established victims’ rights in state statutes by elevating them to the state Constitution. Second, it would strengthen other rights that are already in the state Constitution. Both of these changes help ensure that victims have constitutional rights equal to those of the accused.
Passing Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin would make all the difference in Wisconsin victims’ lives. Consider an advocate for Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin and survivor Teri Jendusa:
As a survivor of a heinous crime committed by my ex-husband in 2004, I am aware of the statutory protections in place for Wisconsin victims. Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin will enhance these laws and constitutionalize them.
You can read more about Teri’s story.
It is our hope you will join us in supporting Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin. The solution created for Wisconsinites by Wisconsinites. Let’s keep Wisconsin a leader!