We wanted to provide a little preview of some of the great events that will be taking place throughout the week and to encourage all of those who support equal rights for crime victims to join us in attending these events in support of survivors from across Wisconsin.
We’ll be kicking off the week with a Day of Healing coordinated by Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin supporter, the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault (WCASA).The event will welcome survivors and allies will join together to promote healing and advance social change in Wisconsin and will offer a number of sessions from workshops and storytelling opportunities to an interactive dance. You can learn more about the various events and workshops being offered during the day from the WCASA website.
The Day of Healing will close with the annual Wrap Around the Capitol, in which survivors and allies from are invited to physically form a circle around the rotunda inside the capitol and unite their voices for their own individual healing and to promote continued healing for all survivors.This event will include survivors speaking and sharing their stories.
The Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin team is looking forward to participating in both of these outstanding events and we hope to see you all there!
Make sure to stay tuned for more updates on some of the exciting opportunities for survivors during National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.
Luke Martz
State Director